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Caminata en el bosque



It is recommended to make your reservation in advance and you will get discounts of up to 20%, we have limited spaces.

All reservations proceed with the payment of 20% of the group and the remaining balance can be paid in Iquitos.

-To pay your reservation you can  do through deposits and transfers.

-Payment with IZIPAY Link, accepts all cards, credits and debits, it is easy and safe, confirmation is immediate, commissions 4%. To generate the payment link you must provide your full name, email and cell phone number.

-Get in Contact to receive instructions on the Final Amount and your choice of payment method!



-ANDSend a photo or copy of the receipt or proof of payment, send the full names, ID or Passport number, email to send the confirmation of the tour, photo or copy of the Lima – Iquitos flight ticket.

-Main Recommendations for your trip to the jungle – Savia Tours – Iquitos


Carry a backpack, light clothes for the heat like; Long pants, shorts, polo shirts, t-shirts, long sleeves, sunglasses, sunscreen, mosquito repellent, sandal, slippers or shoes, cap or hat, personal belongings, bathing suit and towel, if you take any medication, take it with you, the yellow fever vaccine is not necessary.

Additional items such as a rain poncho, rubber boots and flashlights can be acquire at the lodge for only 20 soles per rental for your entire stay.


-Things you can donate at will (not mandatory), are; books, notebooks, pencils, pens, crayons, colored pencils, rulers, etc. They will be well received by our children from the rural community of San Rafael rio Amazonas.

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